Georg Boenn


Boenn, G. (2018). Computational Models of Rhythm and Meter. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-76285-2

Book Chapter
Boenn, G. (2008). Vom Sinn des Hörens. Zur Philosophie der Musik, chapter Rhythmus und Zeitwahrnehmung in der Musik. Königshausen & Neumann. Mohr, G. and Kreutzer, J. (Eds.). ISBN: 978-3-8260-3502-9.

Journal Publications
Boenn, G., Brain, M., Vos, M. D., and Fitch, J. (2011). Automatic music composition using answer set programming. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 11:397-427. DOI: 10.1017/S1471068410000530. Abstract available at:

Boenn, G. (2002), Gravity-Synthesis mit SynthX, DEGEM-Mitteilungen. 2-2002.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Boenn, G., Brain, M., De Vos, M., and Fitch, J. (2012). Computational Music Theory. In 1st International Workshop on Musical Metacreation, MUME2012, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, October 9th 2012, Proceedings, 7 pages. In press.

Boenn, G., Brain, M., De Vos, M., and Fitch, J. (2011a).    Anton - A Rule- Based Composition System.    In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, ICMC2011, Huddersfield, pages 135-138. ICMA, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ISBN 978-0-9845274-0-3. Available at: 2027/spo.bbp2372.2011.028.

Boenn, G., Brain, M., Vos, M. D., and Fitch, J. (2009). Anton: Composing logic and logic composing. In Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 10th International Conference, LPNMR 2009, Potsdam, Germany, September 14-18, 2009. Proceedings, pages 542-547. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-642-04237-9.

Boenn, G. (2008), The Importance of Husserl's Phenomenology of Internal Time-Consciousness for Music Analysis and Composition, in Proceedings of the ICMC 2008,Belfast. ICMA, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 4 pages. ISBN 0-9713192-6-X. Available at:

Boenn, G., Brain, M., De Vos, M., Fitch, J. (2008), Answer Set Programming in the Service of Music. In Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, KR Inc., Sydney.

Boenn, G., Brain, M., De Vos, M., Fitch, J. (2008), Automatic Composition of Melodic and Harmonic Music by Answer Set Programming, in Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Logic Programming, Springer, Berlin.

Boenn, G. (2007), Composing Rhythms based upon Farey Sequences, in Proceedings of the
Digital Music Research Network conference, 2007, DMRN, Leeds Metropolitan University. 4 pages. Gibson, I., Stansbie, A. and Stavropoulos, N. (Eds.).

Boenn, G. (2007), Automated Quantisation and Transcription of Musical Ornaments from Audio Recordings, in Proceedings of the ICMC 2007, pages 236-239, Copenhagen. ICMA, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Jensen K. (Ed.). ISBN: 0-9713192-5-1. Available at:

Boenn, G. (2005), Development of a composer's sketchbook, in Proceedings
of the 3rd International Linux Audio Conference, Karlsruhe. ZKM. Available at:

Boenn, G. (2002), Sound of the Stars: Grayity-Synthesis with SynthX, in Proceedings of the Journées d'Informatique Musicale, 9e édition, Marseille.

PhD Thesis
Boenn, G. (2011). Automated Analysis and Transcription of Rhythm Data and their Use for Composition. PhD thesis, University of Bath.




