Georg Boenn


Listen to Georg's music on SoundCloud.


Once Upon A Time (2018), for Baritone and Piano, after a poem by Leslie Norris.

ad infinitum - a tribute to Jean-Claude Risset (2017), 6 min., Electroacoustic Music, 6.1 channels

into the unknown (2017), 15 min., Electroacoustic Music, 6.1 channels

Four Songs (2012), for Baritone and Piano, after poems by Leslie Norris.

Genova VII 2001, revised version (2002) 16 min., Premiere: 9.11.2002, pgnm festival, Bremen

Genova VII 2001, Installation/Digital Audio (2001) 11 min., Premiere: 15.10.2001, Hahnöfer Sand, Hamburg

The Barbed-Wired Piano, for mezzo-soprano, flute (also bass flute), harp, keyboard, piano and Max/MSP (1999) 11 min., Premiere: Musica Viva 1999 6.7.1999, Lissabon, Institut Franco Portugais, Ensemble WireWorks, Ltg. Georg Hajdu

Volatile Songs, for Recorder (Ganassi) and tape (1998) 20 min., Premiere: Saarländischer Rundfunk, 29.4.1999, Saarbrücken, Städtische Galerie, with Julia Whybrow (Recorder) and Georg Boenn (Electronics)

Trees and Pipes, for flute (also bass flute), wood board, bass pump and feedbacks (1998) 15 min., Premiere: Musikhochschule Trossingen, Südwestrundfunk, 27.4.1999 with Carin Levine, Flutes and Georg Boenn, Electronics, CD: musicaphon, Kassel, M 55712

DARK MATTER, Installation/Performance with a metal plate, bass pump, feedbacks, CDs, videos and TV-sets (1998) 65 min., Premiere: Group exhibition in the Museum of Time, Hamburg, September 1998

CLONES, for two high sopranos, two percussionists, contrabass clarinet and live elctronics (1997/98) 60 min., Production: Radio Bremen and Hochschule für Künste, Premiere: 1.5.1998, Lichthaus, Bremen, Festival pro musica nova, Radio Bremen, Petra Hoffmann and Angelika Luz, sopranos, Beate Zelinsky, contrabass clarinet, Françoise Rivalland und Christian Dierstein, percussion, Georg Boenn: Live-electronics

micro&megaphonia, for 3 megaphones, tapes and spatializer (1997) 28 min., Production: Hochschule für Künste Bremen, Premiere: 27.6.1997 at the Überseemuseum, Bremen, dacapo-concerts, with Lilian van Haußen, Rüdiger Meyer and Christoph Ogiermann: megaphones, Georg Boenn: Live-electronics

Piano-Fever, for Player-Piano and Video (1996) 11 min., Production: Hochschule für Künste Bremen, Premiere: Hochschule für Künste Bremen, 30.5.1996

36 samples of harmony, for bass flute, oboe, horn, trumpet, violin, viola, double bass and tape (1995) 8 min., Production (tape): ZKM, Karlsruhe, Premiere: Ensemble Modern, 27.1.1996, Frankfurt

fallout, Loudspeaker Music (1995) 16 min., Production: ZKM-Institut für Musik und Akustik, Karlsruhe, Premiere: Institut Français, Bremen, 8.11.1995, CD: WER 2051-2 wergo

protophonie 3, for clarinet and electroacoustic sounds (1994) 14 min., Production: IRCAM, Paris, Premiere: Pierre Dutrieu, clarinet, 14.1.1995, IRCAM, Paris




